„Puh, difficult question.” This is what I hear in job-interviews.
Sometimes I still want to do some of the job-interviews with potential new colleagues (even tough we have a great Recruiter and HR-Manager in-house). It makes me curious to see what kind of individuals the world has to offer and to get a feel of what the people expect and want.
„Puh, difficult question. I’ve never been asked that before.” That’s what I hear in almost every job-interview I do with candidates.
When I do job-interviews with candidates, I have 2️ questions I always ask. I re-worked my questions from interview to interview, because with every chat I learned something new.
With time I realized, that candidates were always surprised about me asking those 2️ questions. The most of them even say, that they’ve never been asked that questions before.
One of those questions is:
„What kind of company culture do you expect, so that you, as an individual, can evolve and be the real you?”
Why do I ask this question? It’s simple. Because I want to hear what the individual is awaiting from us as the employer, I want to see if we can meet his or her expectations.
Company culture is something very important for us, we want to make sure we can offer an environment to our team, where everyone as an individual can grow, evolve and stay oneself by also staying highly motivated because they can do so.
It’s about creating the best version of oneself, by staying real.
I am still wondering why candidates are surprised by such a question. How many companies out there don’t give a damn about the fact that maybe they don’t meet the expectations of their team-members?
It seems like companies try to find the candidate, that matches the company. But equally important is the question — does the company fit the candidate?