4 mistakes we made when hiring our first employees
It wasn’t that long ago that we had our first real team growth. Since then, a lot has changed, especially in our recruiting processes.
The way we did hiring back then was okay, but of course you make mistakes at the beginning. To make sure that doesn’t happen to you, here are 4 mistakes we did.
Individual weekly hours
Our employees could choose almost any work week, whether it was 17 or 33 hours, which made it harder to work in teams and gave us a huge management overhead. We didn’t have a clear vision for how we wanted our teams to work together. When new people joined the company, they often weren’t sure what their role was or how they fit into the bigger picture.
Open vacation days
Some people like it so much with us that they hardly used their annual leave. But over 60 open vacation days really shouldn’t be. We had no clear vision for our company culture. We didn’t have a structure in place to make sure that we were staying true to our values and mission.
No proper communication tools
Before you grow to a size where you can no longer shout everything across your desk at each other, you should take care of a proper communication tool. Did that at some point too, we now use MS Teams company-wide.
Doing everything by ourself
Not a mistake in itself, but a learning: We don’t have to staff every area with our own employees. Some things are easier to outsource, while we concentrate on the core competencies. A good example of this are our UI designs. While we have a bunch of engineers in our team, we outsource the creation of stunning designs to a partner agency. This allows us to focus on what we’re best at: creating value for our customers and improving their product.